Hamdard Rooh Afza 750Ml


Hamdard Rooh Afza 800Ml is a timeless, refreshing syrup with a unique blend of natural ingredients, including herbs, fruits, and flowers. Perfect for quenching thirst and revitalizing your senses, this iconic drink can be mixed with water, milk, or other beverages for a deliciously sweet and cooling experience. Known for its vibrant red color and aromatic flavor, Rooh Afza is a staple in households, particularly during summer and festive occasions. Enjoy it chilled for an instant boost of energy and hydration. Indulge in the rich tradition of Hamdard Rooh Afza, a beverage loved for generations.

4.19 € 4.19 EUR 4.19 € VAT I​ncluded

4.19 € VAT I​ncluded

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